Friday, March 6, 2009

Would you like a little soft shoe with that?

This is admittedly too late. This story broke and will likely end soon but here's a take on it. As we've all heard/seen/been told there was a brief and pointless scuffle between the chair of the RNC, Michael Steele, and comedian/jokebag/drug addict, Rush Limbaugh. Google that shit...I'll wait.

Anyhow, long story short, Limbaugh called the Republican party spineless and said he doesn't understand why no one will say they want Obama's stimulus plan to fail (if you're curious, Rush doesn't just hope it fails, he prays to his silly, green, drug induced god that it does). Someone asked Steele about this. Steele said rush is an entertainer and some other bullshit. Rush came back all bitter and angry (as his old white ass does) and Steele tucked his dick between his legs and prostrated himself in front of Limbaugh so fast you swear that he was the living, breathing son of god.

I don't support Steele. I've said his plans and false swagger are foolish and embarassing. All that being said, I felt deeply embarrassed watching a full grown man act like a scolded child when he offered up his apology. Steele covered his tracks with some line about, "I'm sorry this incident has taken attention away from Democrat spending and earmarks" but it was clear that he was really sorry about offending the fat, white deity known as Limbaugh.

So here are two things that need to be done to make the best of this situation:
1) Democrats, stop fucking talking about this. If the news talks to you about it, say, "It's an incident between two individuals and with the stimulus package in action and our attempts to pass the Omnibus in congress, we have more important things to talk about". Sure, it's fun to watch Republicans bicker amongst themselves (especially because you could see it just under the surface when they all stood arm and arm behind the Alaskan Senator who couldn't tell you what a vice president does), but focusing on it will backfire. There are so many better things to focus on. Right now, you've just intercepted the ball and are running it in for a touch down. The republican defense has tripped up and is falling behind. DO NOT take this as an opportunity to look back and mock the defense, because they will come up and sack the shit out of you and take the ball. It happened during the Clinton presidency and lead to 6 years of Republican control of the House, Senate and Executive branch. It can happen again. Use this as a chance to put distance between you. The better you do, the worse they'll look and the better chance you have of keeping ahead.

2) For Michael Steele, you want to prove you're a leader and that you're hip and urban? Now's your chance. Take you initial comments and bank on them. Limbaugh is an entertainer. Is he elected? Does he make policies? Does he run a campaign? NO! He's a political voice who makes his living entertaining the masses. That doesn't make him a bad guy, or even make his opinion invalid but it does allow for a certain amount of leeway and Limbaugh knows it. He's made racially motivated remarks that, while perhaps not intentionally or overtly racist, would have forced most public officials to resign or at least lose reelection.

Limbaugh is a smart guy and is more likely to play ball with the current Republican party than risk losing more voters in a silly public debacle. So stand your ground Steele, explain that you meant what you said, but didn't mean for it to be offense. Limbaugh makes his money entertaining and knows that he can say outrageous things and not have to answer to a constituency. It's not insulting, it's true.

What Steele won't say (though he should) is why Republican's won't say they want the Obama Stimulus to fail. Here's a guess, love it or hate it the stimulus passed and America is now $800billion into it. It's our best (and currently only) hope for dragging our ass out of this horrible economic disaster that Republicans helped create. If it fails, America fails. If we don't pull ourselves out of this recession it's only going to get worse for Republicans and Democrats alike. More job loss, more unemployment, less health care, more poverty. Why in the name of God would you want that for America?

Everyone knows Limbaugh dislikes Obama and his policies but this is the one that was voted on and selected by Congress and the White House. Bipartisan or not this was what was selected and to hope it fails is hoping the Titanic crashes and everyone on it dies because you think that luxury cruise ships are a silly idea.

Guess what? Millions are impacted by this economic recession. People have lost their homes, their jobs, their lives. For you (or anyone else) to say you hope any plan to improve their plight fails (especially for bullshit political motives), is spitting in the face of those millions of Americans. It's saying, "Hey, I know it sucks for you right now BUT, if it gets worse, maybe we can get this current President out of office". Not everyone goes to bed on a pile of money and oxycotton, Rush. For you to wish more ill on the average American so you can do little more than say, "I was right", is selfish, pretty, short sighted and bad politics. That's why no one (republican or otherwise) is rushing to say it.

P.S. I forgot to mention, this post is too late, because there have already been Republicans calling on Steele to resign amidst his public folly. Guess we know who runs the Republican party.

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