Tuesday, March 10, 2009

WTF Fox News?!

It's a rarity that I agree with Fox News but this story probably has more that I agree with than anything they've done in the last 4 years. It's about the Omnibus (you know that $400 billion spending bill that is in addition to the $800billion stimulus plan) and how the Republican supporters are actually the ones with the most earmarks. They even went so far as to note that the Senator with the most earmarks (by number) is Republican Senator Arlen Specter.

There is still a fair bit of their "fair and unbalanced" viewpoint however. Fox mentions that McCain tried to veto the earmarks but negates to note that 9 republicans and 2 independent senators voted against him. They also mention that there are $5 billion dollars in earmarks but fail to note that that's less than 2% of the total Omnibus. They also paint the cross over republicans poorly (they're not applauding them for bipartisan lawmaking or anything).

Still I love to see Republicans bicker and in terms of actually being fair and balanced, I'd say this gets a B- (which is better than 99% of their work).

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